David Smith
BA, 1981 (Albion College, Albion MI)
MFA,1985 (University of Montana, Missoula, MT)
Professor of Art, Edgewood College, Madison, WI
[email protected]
My work in ceramics focuses on the creation of wood-fired vessels and sculpture. For over thirty years I have developed my expertise in the art of wood-firing. My personal kiln, the Kegonsa Anagama, offers a diverse range of surface qualities when fired for a period of 5-7 days. Goals vary with this kiln from producing complex firebox surfaces that compliment my sculptural works to creating subtle patinas on a range of functional vessels. I often apply layers of slip and glaze to my pieces to broaden the palette of the natural ash glaze. My vessels and sculpture serve as canvases for the rich textural qualities offered by this process.
Since 1978, my passion for wood-fired ceramics has allowed me to travel and work with a broad range of artists. I have worked extensively in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Montana, Arizona, Florida and Wisconsin. My personal experiences with American Masters Peter Voulkos, Peter Callas, Rudy Autio, and Don Reitz have been influential in countless ways. In 2005, I had the opportunity to meet and work with a number of important Korean and Japanese artists at the 3rdWorld Bienalle in Yeoju, Korea. This was a transformative experience and since that time I have had the opportunity to exhibit my work in Japan and China. For decades I have created ceramic art that reflects East Asian methods and aesthetics while maintaining a sensibility that is undeniably Western. I have always been intrigued by this cross-pollination.
Enjoy the photographic essay!
Hover over photos for more info.

Assistant to Katsuyuki Sakezume, Layton,NJ (1981)

Artist assistant to Peter Callas and Peter Voulkos (1981-1983)

David built the first anagama kiln at the University of Montana as a graduate student in 1984. He taught an anagama summer course UM for seven years (1995-2001).

Collaborated with Ken Shenstone to fire his 50 ft anagama kiln, Albion, MI (1989-91)

Since the completion of the Kegonsa Amagama Kiln in the summer of1995, David has completed more than 40 firings with students, colleagues, and friends.

Directed the loading and firing of Don Reitz’s anagama in Clarkdale, AZ (2001 – 2008)

South Korea’s 3rd World Ceramic Biennale (2005). This two week event involved public demonstrations and firing work in a traditional noborigama.

Osaka, Japan (2005). David spent six weeks collaborating with John Dix. This experience culminated in a solo exhibition at the Rerun gallery .

Arlo Series (2007)

Arlo Series (2007)

Visiting Artist, Fuping, China (2009). David was one of six American artist selected to participate in a four week “All China Wood-Fire Festival.”

Adamah Horizon’s Clay Studio, WI (2006/2007) David designed a 25’ ana-noborigama, a two chambered kiln.

2013. Visiting Artist, Zhaoqing University.